But You Can Make My Teeth Growl

Spinning: The Melvins, "Night Goat" I feel like my intellect is the only thing preventing me from diving headlong into insanity with utter abandon. Despite much evidence to the contrary, I am a fairly intelligent bag of meat and calcium, and my philosophical background ensures a certain level of logic and critical thinking. Thus I … Continue reading But You Can Make My Teeth Growl

a sort of moment in time born of clarity amidst the storm while asking what is … ?

coldhead fool of cure these hands are not my own. desert blind lie breathes through me © Ryan Scott Sanders and Dharma and Belligerence: Mad Rants from a Free-Range Buddhist Hooligan, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links … Continue reading a sort of moment in time born of clarity amidst the storm while asking what is … ?